​Cheap Tractor Insurance
Our tractor insurance is there when you need it, whether you use your tractor for agricultural purposes, plowing matches, or just as a vintage collector. Our specialist team will help you get the right cover for your tractor.
At UK Sure we understand that tractors and agricultural vehicles are integral to your livelihood.
They are huge assets and play a major part in many businesses, so it’s important to make sure you’re covered to help keep things running smoothly should the worst happen.
As an insurance broker, we work with a panel of insurers to help find the right policy for you. Plus, we’re at your side if you need to make a claim, helping liaise directly with the insurer, so you can focus on your business.
What is Tractor Insurance
Tractor insurance covers your vehicle for things such as theft and vandalism. There are various policies that you can choose from to provide you with your desired cover.
Tractor insurance isn't necessarily a legal requirement if you are solely using it on your land. However, tractor insurance is a worthy investment to protect your assets against unexpected circumstances.
Covering the cost of lost or damaged vehicles can have a significant financial and emotional impact, which is where insurance can help to soften the blow. Insurance may also be mandatory if you have used a loan to help pay for your tractor.
Tractors we cover
We can provide insurance cover for all makes of tractor including John Deere, Massey Ferguson, Ferguson, New Holland, Case, Claas, Fendt, Valtra, David Brown, Deutz, Nuffield, Zetor, Field Marshall, McCormick, Ford, Fordson, Landini, Leyland, Kubota, JCB, Same, Lamborghini, Mahindra, Ursus, Dong Feng, Kioti, Shire!

Tractors are used by farmers and landowners all over the world to help with agricultural work. Many people also take vintage and classic tractors to showcase at rallies and events. Unfortunately, these heavy-duty vehicles can also cause substantial damage to property and people if they are used incorrectly or are involved in accidents.
As tractors evolve for modern formwork they have become faster and more powerful with a range of expensive gadgets and extras. Despite the numerous benefits, these improvements can increase the risks involved in working with these kinds of vehicles. Newer tractors are also at an increased chance of getting stolen as they are more valuable.
Your tractor may be an essential part of your job, which can make damage or legal fees all the more difficult to deal with if you are left unable to work for an extended period. In instances such as this, tractor insurance can give you peace of mind to know that you have some financial help to ease the burden should the worst happen.
Insurance can help cover legal fees and fund a replacement tractor or parts. You can also find a tractor fleet policy that covers other vehicles on your land, such as 4x4s, vans, and diggers.
Are you looking for Tractor Insurance?
Call our team on 01323 416706
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What does tractor insurance cover?
Tractor insurance covers the vehicle and may also cover trailers and accessories, depending on the policy. This could include add-ons such as horse and livestock trailers. The insurance will also cover spare parts and any personal belongings that are in the vehicle at the time of the incident.
There is no legal requirement to insure your tractor for the road if you only use it on your land. However, you will need road insurance if you take the tractor off your land.
There are three types of cover that you can choose from. Below is a summary of what you can expect with each level of cover.
Third-party only (TPO)
Third-party only is the most basic form of cover. This insurance will cover you if a claim is made against you. For example, if your tractor injures someone or damages their property. TPO insurance will not cover you if your tractor is stolen or damaged.
Third-party, fire and theft (TPFT)
TPFT insurance covers everything that Third Party covers, along with some extras. As the name suggests, you will also be covered if your tractor is stolen or damaged in a fire.
This insurance policy offers the most cover out of the three. You will be covered for third-party, fire, and theft as with the previous policy. You will also be covered if you are involved in an accident, or your tractor is damaged due to vandalism.
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